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Anxiety During A Pandemic

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the long leave of absence. Life last year got pretty hectic and now with this pandemic life has been even more stressful.

Life hasn't always been easy for me there's been many obstacles that have set me back and made me feel alone. Now we are all experiencing a setback together. At times we may feel like we are all alone but we're not we are all in this together.

For some people this can feel like a stressful situation or just an annoying thing thats happening at the moment. But for someone like me with multiple anxiety disorders and depression every day is terrifying. With anxiety it's easy to overthink things and expect the worse. It also doesn't help that practically everything on the news is about the pandemic. I understand it's to keep us updated but it is still very terrifying to see how many people have gotten sick and how many lives have been lost.

I also feel a bit weird for a lack of a better word seeing face masks at every store I go to. It's odd to see how normalized face masks have been made it makes me fear that perhaps this will never end. Now I'm not saying I mind wearing a mask it just terrifying how much society has changed since the pandemic began. As a person with anxiety I need things to be consistent to be able to function properly. With all the changes such as wearing a mask, not being able to go to restaurants, staying 6 feet apart and everything closing early. It fills my days with fear anxiety and chaos. I always fear that someone I love will get sick and i'll lose them. I fear that I will never be able to hug them again.

Although the pandemic has brought much stress and fear it has taught me that you don't necessarily need to go out and spend money to have fun. For example my best friend and I play nonstop Animal Crossing practically everyday. We may not be able to see each other in person but we can still visit each others island and attack each other with our nets. Recently my friends and I had a birthday dinner over FaceTime and although we couldn't be right next to each other we still had fun from the safety of our homes. We may not be able to go out as a group like we used to but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun and that we should lose contact with our love ones we just have to find safe ways to spend time together.

Times may be difficult now but what keeps me going is knowing that some day i'll be able to hug my loved ones again and we'll be able to go out together and that day will truly be special. Until then we have to keep taking safety precautions so that when we see each other again face to face we will all be healthy and happy.

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